Ricardo's Story

"When I walked into New Disciples I was surprised to be accepted." - Ricardo
What I find that truly matters to me is this... I found myself once broken, feeling rejected and useless, but what I found in New Disciples was that I matter to God. I saw clearly God's grace and felt His divine compassion.
What was unexpected was that I was accepted not rejected by a group of white men and women who loved me despite my appearances which I can tell you to some people looked scary. I found at New Disciples forgiveness being practiced in deeds, not just in words. Since my return to the church I found a family who loves me and cares about my well being. But the most important component that matters most is my soul is being nourished through the Spirit of God.
What do I appreciate most about New Disciples? The nourishing of souls, minds, and bodies that takes place here. That many will experience the power of the Holy Spirit! BLOOD OF JESUS...
So the question is what matters to me about the The New Disciples of Christ: Nourishing souls, minds and bodies; that many will experience the power of the holy spirit, the blood of Jesus.
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