Revival Week starts today!

Carve out some time this week to grow in your faith, become more like Jesus, and be empowered by God's Spirit!
Join us this morning at the 9:30 a.m. service as we celebrate and remember the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost!
Then sign-up for our church newsletter in order to receive daily emails with spiritual challenges designed to help revival start in your life!
On Saturday you will be invited to a movie night - where we hear a story that encourages faith! Watch the website closely for updates on time and location.
Finally, join us next Sunday, Memorial Day weekend, for our 9:30 a.m. Revival Worship Service. Church members will share special music and testimonies and worship participants will be invited to publically commit to steps of faith.
We look forward to growing beside you this Revival Week 2018!
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