Revival Week - Saturday Opportunity

Healing often comes through repentance and/or forgiveness. (Read 2 Chronicles 7:14.)
Take out a sheet of paper and list your sins. What have you done today or recently that has injured your relationship with God, others, and this planet? Have you caused any unnecessary harm or pain? Where have you failed to meet the golden rule in living out the greatest commandments of loving God, loving self, and loving neighbor? How do you need to forgive yourself? Who do you need to forgive? For what do you need to ask God forgiveness?
After listing your sins or naming them before God. Ask God to cleanse you and forgive you. Ask for a clean slate.
Then express your gratefulness to God for forgiving you all of your sins! Thank God for the cross and the gift given there in Jesus Christ. Thank God for the resurrection and the promise of life eternal in God's loving presence. Thank God for creating you.
Tear up the paper. And rest at peace knowing you've been forgiven and healed.
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