Gifts to Share

From Bill Spangler-Dunning, Regional Minister:
It was so amazing to be able to share both the gift of our Holy Ground & Conference Center along with the Whole(ly)/Holy people of the Upper Midwest with the General Board and College of Regional Ministers of the wider church. The Christian Conference Center in Newton, IA has long been a gift to the youth and adults of the Upper Midwest but now we are able to share it with wider church. I say a deep thanks to the people of the Upper Midwest who provided transportation, helped cook in the kitchen, and provided amazing hospitality with every little action. I continue to be overwhelmed by the gifts and dedication of the Regional staff who give of their time and energy not because it is a job but because of their love for God and the Church. It might just be my exhaustion after 7 days of extreme propinquity with people, but I am brought to tears when I reflect on how proud I am to serve and journey with the people of this Region. You are changing the church (the world even) by the simple but beautiful way you treat others in this world! I look forward to showing many more Disciples this WAY of being church at the General Assembly in July 2019. We call it Disciples Together and its foundation is the unwavering belief that there is always ENOUGH of the Gifts of God to go around. When we are Disciples Together, like was shown during this General Board, one cannot help but have hope for wholeness in our world.
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