General Assembly is Almost Here!!!

Dear Upper Midwest Congregations:
As you know the General Assembly is almost here! We will be gathering in Des Moines at the Iowa Events Center July 20th-24th for some of the best Worship Services, Educational Events, Mission Opportunities, Children and Youth Activities, Lots of FUN and so much more. As the host Region, our fellow Upper Midwest folks have been planning, recruiting, scheduling, calling, writing, talking, maneuvering, thinking outside the box and being Disciples Together for several months along with General Church to make sure GA 2019 goes smoothly and as they say "one for the history books." As is typical for our Region this GA is offering some unique and different opportunities such as: alternative housing choices, Mission opportunities, and Good Times opportunities. Yet, there is one area our Region is not so unique and different.
When it comes to Pre-Registration for GA we find ourselves like everyone else waiting until the last minute. As the host Region it would be great for our registration numbers to be at least 10% of our membership, that number is about 500. In the last report I received our numbers are in the 250 range. I know we can get to 500 if not way over. So, I am asking you to PLEASE promote GA 2019. We have 6 weeks. Six weeks where we can share with our congregations on Sunday Morning. Six weeks where can challenge our Board members to register and recruit one other person to register for GA. Six Weeks to allow our Elders to speak about the Spiritual Growth that happens at General Assemblies. Six Weeks to PRAY for GA and everyone involved.
Also, as you know our Regional Minister Rev. Bill Spangler-Dunning will be leaving us in August to become the Regional Minister in Virginia. Over the last 20 years Bill has helped us become Disciples Together. Through Disciples Together we have become a stronger, spiritual, community gathering, fun, hardworking and wonderful Region. We have seen what the Spirit can do and is doing in our Region because of Bill and his leadership. On Sunday July 21st, as part of our All Congregational Gathering, there will be a reception to honor Bill as our Regional Minister and to share with him our well wishes and a final thank you. However, we do not need to wait until July 21st to show our respects and say thank you. By being Disciples Together, we can pre-register for General Assembly and reach our goal of 500 and show the entire church, as well as Bill, our appreciation. To register go to
One last thing, there is a contest to help motivate congregations to get their people to register. The Local Arrangements Committee is hosting a friendly competition to see which of the Upper Midwest churches can bring the most members to General Assembly 2019. The competition will be based on the ratio of attendees to members, so small churches and large can compete alike! The winning congregation will get to celebrate with a guest preacher and fellowship dinner hosted by the Christian Conference Center!!
Love Always,
Rev. Mark MacWhorter
Chair of the LAC Pre-Registration Committee
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