From the Regional Minister

You Are Needed!
Bill Spangler-Dunning, Regional Minister
It is what we all need to hear and more to the point it is what we all need to believe deep in our souls. Disciples at our best believe in the Body of Christ and that all parts are needed, welcomed, and affirmed. Small church, large church, rural church, urban church, chaplain, counselor, or other ministry location, we all are needed. As I travel around or read your newsletters I get excited about the many different ways Disciples are spreading love and good news of the God we follow.
I need you! It’s not magic but it is a sacred thing we do when we gather together for our annual All Congregational Gathering. I need you to come and share that one thing your church or ministrylocation is doing because I know that someone else needs to hear about what you are doing so they can implement it in their community. PLEASE mark your calendars for August 24-25 and bring aministry to share and plan to take something home as well. This is how we continue to gain strength together as church.
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