Don't Read This UNLESS You Are Up For a Challenge!

Sometimes, with all the empty pews in our sanctuaries, we can begin to believe that the church is no longer needed or wanted. However, surrounding our churches are often homes filled with people who have fewer and few contacts and real relationships. Jesus spent most of his time outside the temple connecting with people who had lost or been forced out of community. The challenge this month, if you are willing to accept it, is to start some kind of gathering/feeding/game playing activity that brings together 2 or 3 or more people together. I know it sounds simple, but it is vitally important in our present world. We, The Church, have the responsibility to bring good news to those who have lost their connection with the Body of Christ. Accept this challenge and reach out into your neighborhoods; if needed apply for a partnership grant from the region to get things started. If you find something that works, share it at the All Congregational Gathering so other churches can replicate it in their communities. The Challenge is yours if you will accept it!
Thank you!
Blessings, Rev. Bill Spangler-Dunning, Regional Minister & President
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