Daily Prayers for the Capital Campaign
Church Extension has provided three prayers to pray for the Capital Campaign. Please use these and other prayers as we pray for our goal of raising at least $300,000 as we are "Coming Home to Freedom!"
Morning Prayer
God of Abraham and Sarah,
As the faint light of morning grows on the horizon, We recall the journey of our faith ancestors who changed their lives in response to Your call. As this day unfolds before me, keep my ears attuned to Your call for this church as we move forward with this capital campaign in response to Your holy "nudge." Thank you for blessing our efforts.
Afternoon Prayer
This afternoon, O God, I stop in the middle of a busy day to reflect on the manifestations of Your Spirit in the life of this church and in my own life. Remind me each and every moment that every gift I have comes from You. Please give me a willing heart to use them well and use them for You. Thank you for blessing my efforts. Amen
Evening Prayer
As we "wrap things up" together, O God, I thank You for today and the opportunities I have had to bring my congregation and its capital needs into the Light of Your presence. Although the light of day has now faded from sight, let me rest assured that Your Light shines forever. May the bricks and frame of our church building serve as a beacon of that Light to all who still search for it. Thank you for blessing our efforts on behalf of them. Amen.
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