Announcing: Children & Youth Ministry 2018-2019 - Opportunities to Serve!
You are invited to participate...
and change lives...
including your own!
This school year we will be offering five different opportunities with New Disciples Kids and Young Disciples and we need your help!
The opportunities include:
- New Disciples Kids - once a month VBS like gathering for preschool through 3rd graders.
- Young Disciples - Boys Ministry - once a month faith, fun, and learning event for boys in 4th through 8th grade.
- Young Disciples - Girls Ministry - once a month creative activity with a service component and empowering stories from the Bible for girls in 4th through 8th grade.
- All Church Kid-Friendly, Service Projects and Learning Experiences
- Puppet Ministry Team - create puppets and then share a Bible story skit. Limit to 8 youth.
And we need adult volunteers to help in the following ways:
- Kevin will be leading the Boys Ministry and he is looking for 3 additional adults to help him.
- Dianna will be leading the Girls Ministry and she is looking for 1 more adult to help her team.
- Our children's ministry for preschool through 3rd graders is in need of a leadership team. If you are interested contact the church office or Pastor Stasia.
- Sydnee is leading the Puppet Ministry Team and is looking for at least 1 additional adult volunteer to help her with this new ministry.
- We are asking for two volunteers to coordinate the monthly service project. If interested contact Lisa P.
Tags: Age-Based Ministry / Drama / Families with Children Ministry / Volunteer! / Latest Posts