A letter from your pastor

Dear Church Family and Friends,
There are times in our lives when God invites us to take a step of faith. When my husband and I moved to Cedar Rapids so that I could accept the call to pastor at New Disciples it was one such moment for us as a married couple. It has been a step of faith that has had many rewards, one of which has been the blessing to walk beside each of you on this journey of faith.
But now, I believe God is calling us as a couple to take another step of faith and that is a step believing that God will answer our prayers to become parents. As you are aware we have struggled with infertility and I believe that God is inviting me to step away from full time ministry in order to let my body prepare for motherhood.
So, as I temporarily retire from full-time professional ministry, I want to thank you for the honor of serving as your pastor the last six and a half years. I have learned a lot from you and my relationship with Jesus and his church is stronger because of you. You are my dream congregation and have set the bar high for the type of Christian community for which I want to be a part. You are loving and accepting and are willing to take the risks needed to grow. Thank you!
I believe that God has already begun preparing the next pastor of New Disciples to come here and serve alongside you in the ministry of the gospel and the kingdom of God. I believe this person will have strengths in areas where I was weak and will have the right combination of gifts, experience, training, and sense of call to lead you into the next stage of your journey as a church family.
God has a great plan for you! Stick around and see what God has in store! The harvest is plentiful and the need for your unique Christian witness as a community is great! Never forget, God loves you and I do too!
Your pastor,
Stasia Fine
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